Natural Sleep Aid - Valerian

Hey, welcome back! Today, I'm going to go over another natural sleep aid. This one is called Valerian. First of all, what makes Valerian natural? Well, it comes from a plant. That should answer that question! Valerian has a long history of being a natural sleep aid, and I hope it will be able to help you. It's mainly sold in European countries, but you can order it from almost anywhere.

So how does Valerian work? Well, scientists are not completely sure. Most likely, Valerian works by calming GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid). This is much like a conventional sleeping pill, except Valerian is a natural sleep aid. Valerian is usually taken in pill form, and you can usually get it over the counter, much like Melatonin.

Although Melatonin and Valerian are both taken in pill-form, and they are both natural sleep aids, they are completely different. Their only similarity is that they aid you in sleeping. While Melatonin creates more Serotonin, Valerian calms the levels of GABA. So what's the difference? Even though Melatonin is natural, it can still be addictive. Some people become so used to Melatonin the body does not produce enough Serotonin without it. Valerian is not believed to be addictive. This is because it only works by calming, and not creating. Also, Valerian-users claim it doesn't cause grogginess in the morning, like other natural sleep aids.

However, there is a downside to Valerian. It doesn't work on everyone. So if Melatonin isn't working for you, I'd recommend trying Valerian. Also, Valerian won't help you get to sleep in just one night. Like meditation, you need to be taking it consistently, for one to two weeks, before it will start to work. If you decide to try Valerian, take it one hour before you plan to sleep, for 1-2 weeks. You should start seeing the effects during that time. You shouldn't use Valerian for more than 3 months, though. It can start to have side effects such as indigestion, dizziness, and headaches. If you you want to learn how to fall asleep now, Valerian probably isn't the right natural sleep aid for you.

One last thing about Valerian. It should not be taken with drugs that hamper the nervous system, such as sedatives or antihistamines. People with liver disease should not take it, or people receiving surgery during the 3 month time period. Also, never take Valerian with Alcohol. Like all natural sleep aids, do not drive or operate machinery after taking Valerian.

In summary, Valerian is a good natural sleep aid, but you should only use it if the previous methods fail. If they do fail, Valerian might be the perfect natural sleep aid for you. Remember, natural sleep aids are preferable to artificial aids because they are less addicting and have less pronounced side effects. Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll come back soon!

Natural Sleep Aid - Melatonin

Welcome back! In this post, I'm going to be talking about another natural sleep aid. This one is called Melatonin. Melatonin is a natural sleep aid, because it is a hormone already found in your body. Melatonin could be compared to a sleeping potion. During the day, the pineal gland in the brain creates a hormone called serotonin. When light decreases, serotonin is converted into melatonin. Melatonin then creates a drowsy effect, which makes you fall asleep. This is why it is much easier to sleep in the dark than the light. You are aided by a natural sleep aid: Melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone, but you can take it in capsule form. You can buy melatonin at pretty much any convenience store and is much preferable to taking artificial sleep aids. If you take a melatonin pill about 30 minutes before you sleep, you should begin to feel drowsy. This is the "sleep potion" taking effect. Some patients that suffer from insomnia do not have enough melatonin. They try to sleep every night, but they never feel sleepy. This is because their bodies do not produce any sleep potion, so they feel the same in bed as they do when fully awake.

For those of you who have no desire to use any type of pill to induce drowsiness, I'd recommend reading about two easy natural sleep aids. If neither of those work for you, there are a variety of methods you can use to increase the amount of melatonin you produce naturally, without a pill.

Hindu traditional beliefs have said for many years that meditation can produce melatonin. In Hindu meditation, pineal gland is located in the Head Chakra. In 1995, a study actually proved this to be true. Two groups of people were selected for the study. The first group practiced daily meditation. The second group did not. After a period of time, a night-time urine sample was taken from both groups. The group that practiced daily meditation had significantly more melatonin than the control group. Another study tested participants that practiced meditation just before sleeping. In the first group, participants meditated nightly on a consistent basis. In the second, participants meditated just before the test. The results of this study showed that the first group received a melatonin boost, while the second did not. This suggests that if you want to meditate at night, you need to do it nightly to receive the benefits. There are many types of meditation you can use, and I'll go over each one in future posts.

Melatonin can also be useful for people not suffering from insomnia. People suffering from jet lag or workers switching shifts may also find melatonin to be a helpful natural sleep aid. Often, after a long plane ride, you can feel jet lag for days. Taking melatonin before you sleep can speed up this adjustment period. Also, if you have to switch from working the day shift to the night shift quickly, melatonin can be a natural sleep aid you should use.

As you can see, if a diet change or music don't improve you sleep, melatonin might be the natural sleep aid for you. Remember, natural sleep aids are neither addictive or harmful, so they are much preferable to artificial sleep aids. Once again, thanks for reading natural sleep aid. I hope you've found the information you need, and if you haven't, I address your concerns in a future post. Good luck choosing a natural sleep aid!

Natural Sleeping Aid

Hello. Thanks for checking out my natural sleep aid blog. I'm hoping to help people solve sleep problems, such as insomnia. Many people are turning to prescription and over-the-counter sleep aids, and many of these cause addiction and have harmful side effects. I'm going to talk about some natural sleep aids, and also natural sleep aids I've personally found success with.

What is insomnia? Many of us have nights where we have trouble sleeping. This can be due to stress, a racing mind, or an artificial reason, such as caffeine. However, some people have chronic sleeplessness, or insomnia. This is the inability to get to sleep when you want night after night. As you can imagine, insomnia is an extremely frustrating illness.

Luckily, if you have insomnia, you're not "out of luck." There are many drugs you can take that will put you to sleep. However, like I said, these drugs can be harmful and addictive. Therefore, before resorting to harmful drugs, you should try out natural sleep aids. Many people go straight for OTC sleep aids, and end up becoming addicted to them. Before, they couldn't fall asleep. Now they can only fall asleep with a sleeping pill. This is just a small step above insomnia. Natural sleep aids are designed to cure insomnia without causing harmful effects or addictions. That is why they are natural! :)

This get's me to the whole point of this website. Natural sleep aids. Some natural sleep aids may surprise you. One of the most obvious, but not obvious (huh?) natural sleep aids is a diet change. Eating too much sugar or fatty foods can prevent you from falling asleep quickly. Stimulants, such as caffeine, also forces your body to stay awake. Just staying away from caffeine and sugar as much as possible, can greatly improve your ability to sleep. Dark green vegetables, wheat products, almonds, cashews, yeast in brewed products, can all act as natural sleep aids. If you have insomnia, you can try to eat more of these foods then you previously have. A diet change may prove to be your personal natural sleep aid.

Music is also a less obvious natural sleep aid. Music has a huge control over your brain, Conscious and sub-concious. When you have racing thoughts, some slow, soothing music can calm those thoughts, and make sleep easy. I know personally, when I have racing thoughts, I can listen to some Death Cab for Cutie or the Postal Service, and after about half the album, I'm ready for sleep. Those are my personal favorite "falling asleep bands," and I'm sure you know some you can use to aid you in sleeping.

That concludes this post on natural sleep aids. These two methods are just the tip of the iceberg, as far as natural sleeping aids goes. If you are suffering from insomnia, or have trouble sleeping occasionally, first try these two methods. They are easy to try, and can yield great results. If you still have problems, check back on this blog. I will be going into detail on many more types of natural sleep aids. Thanks for reading!

Natural Sleeping Aid - First Post

Hello, and welcome to Natural Sleeping Aid. This website is all about different natural sleeping aids, and where to get them. I hope that after you read this website, you'll know many different natural sleeping aids. Thanks for visiting natural sleeping aid!