Natural Sleep Aid - Valerian

Hey, welcome back! Today, I'm going to go over another natural sleep aid. This one is called Valerian. First of all, what makes Valerian natural? Well, it comes from a plant. That should answer that question! Valerian has a long history of being a natural sleep aid, and I hope it will be able to help you. It's mainly sold in European countries, but you can order it from almost anywhere.

So how does Valerian work? Well, scientists are not completely sure. Most likely, Valerian works by calming GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid). This is much like a conventional sleeping pill, except Valerian is a natural sleep aid. Valerian is usually taken in pill form, and you can usually get it over the counter, much like Melatonin.

Although Melatonin and Valerian are both taken in pill-form, and they are both natural sleep aids, they are completely different. Their only similarity is that they aid you in sleeping. While Melatonin creates more Serotonin, Valerian calms the levels of GABA. So what's the difference? Even though Melatonin is natural, it can still be addictive. Some people become so used to Melatonin the body does not produce enough Serotonin without it. Valerian is not believed to be addictive. This is because it only works by calming, and not creating. Also, Valerian-users claim it doesn't cause grogginess in the morning, like other natural sleep aids.

However, there is a downside to Valerian. It doesn't work on everyone. So if Melatonin isn't working for you, I'd recommend trying Valerian. Also, Valerian won't help you get to sleep in just one night. Like meditation, you need to be taking it consistently, for one to two weeks, before it will start to work. If you decide to try Valerian, take it one hour before you plan to sleep, for 1-2 weeks. You should start seeing the effects during that time. You shouldn't use Valerian for more than 3 months, though. It can start to have side effects such as indigestion, dizziness, and headaches. If you you want to learn how to fall asleep now, Valerian probably isn't the right natural sleep aid for you.

One last thing about Valerian. It should not be taken with drugs that hamper the nervous system, such as sedatives or antihistamines. People with liver disease should not take it, or people receiving surgery during the 3 month time period. Also, never take Valerian with Alcohol. Like all natural sleep aids, do not drive or operate machinery after taking Valerian.

In summary, Valerian is a good natural sleep aid, but you should only use it if the previous methods fail. If they do fail, Valerian might be the perfect natural sleep aid for you. Remember, natural sleep aids are preferable to artificial aids because they are less addicting and have less pronounced side effects. Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent tips. Really useful stuff .Never had an idea about this, will look for more of such informative posts from your side... Good job...Keep it up. Natural Sleep Aid
